Selected Bibliography & Links
updated November 2024
“Zoë Carlon: Where and When You Are”, review, Corridor 8, November 2024.
“Towards a painterly and operatic world: Across which borders does Witkacy traverse?”, paper presentation, Witkacy conference, Slupsk, Poland, 28th September 2024. (awarded)
Editorial, with Derek Horton and John Christopher. Issue 17 - Sixth Anniversary Edition. Formed by the Soanyway editing team, advisors and collaborators, autumn 2024.
Artist’s Talk, RCA Contemporary Art Summer School (graduate ambassador and course facilitator), 5th August 2024.
“Through the visceral and dreamy: Daniela Nicolaescu's debut collection 'Hyperboréen’”, Soanyway Reviews, July 2024.
Introduction to the John Makepeace Archive (presentation) for the Dorset Archives Trust Summer Gala, Dorset, 11th July 2024.
Performing across Frontiers: l’Atelier di Formia a Spoleto (co-curator and text with Giulio Pampiglione), Palazzo Collicola, (Musei Civici di Spoleto programme, opening with Festival dei Due Mondi 67th edition) 28th June - 28th July 2024.
“‘My hideous progeny’: The Living Book and its Capacity to Haunt”, (paper presentation) at By the Book 9 conference, University of Ljubljana, 26-27th June 2024.
“Performing across frontiers: Atelier di Formia’s Italian Interpretations of Polish Avant-garde Theatre”, (paper presentation) at International conference: Avant-Garde Networks (part of the organising team), University of Leeds, 20th June 2024.
“Childhood; between the dark and the idyllic: 'Infinita infanzia' at Palazzo Collicola”, Soanyway Reviews, May 2024.
“SPLASH ! The Haiku Show at White Conduit Projects”, (exhibition feature) written with Yuzo Ono, Soanyway Issue 16, Autumn 2023/Spring 2024.
Translated into Japanese by Yuzo Ono in Haiku Weekly, April 2024.
“<open window> 2023 in Spoleto”, (exhibition feature), Soanyway Issue 16, Autumn 2023/Spring 2024.
Introduction to ‘Ekphrasis & Prosopopoeia: Mapping, Interpreting and Giving Voice’ Soanyway Issue 16, Autumn 2023/Spring 2024.
“The Power of Suggestion.” Review of The Possessed (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2023) by Witold Gombrowicz, trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Review 31. January 2024.
Translation of Giuseppe G. Condorelli “With Grotowski and beyond Grotowski: The journey of Gioacchino Palumbo and the Teatro del Molo 2” introduction to essay by G. G. Palumbo in Pampiętnik Teatralny, Volume 72, Issue 4, December 2023, pp. 33-55.
Fabian Peake, “Staring at the Silence” 3rd iteration, (curator and text) at Tempietto sul Clitunno, Umbria, Italy for AMACI Day of Contemporary Art (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums), part of a project curated by Franco Troiani. 7th October 2023.
“Maria Stangret: Playing Places at Cricoteka Krakow”, (exhibition feature) Soanyway Issue 15, Summer 2023.
“Basil Beattie: Recalling Echoes at Hales Gallery London”, (exhibition feature) Soanyway Issue 15, Summer 2023.
Talk on the biografia di Jane Benham Hay, Inaugurazione “VENERE E MARTIRE” – ELENI BOUKOURA – La prima pittrice greca dell’Era Moderna, Rocca Albornoz. Progetto a cura di Franco Troiani / organizzazione STUDIO A’87. venerdì 14 Luglio, ore 21:00 (la mostra fino al 30 settembre 2023). 14th July 2023. [Printed brochure upcoming].
"In this Mirror: Poetic Space and the Poet’s Body in Witkacy, Jean Cocteau and Guillaume Apollinaire" and chairing Waclaw Lednicki Award in the Humanities Book Panel. Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, 9th World Congress on Polish Studies: ‘Migrations’, New Britain, USA, 9-10 June 2023.
Instruction: Storytelling in Art and Design, Soanyway Issue 14 (co-editor) with articles on Special Projects design studio, IJP Architects and "John Makepeace: Stories in Wood" (writer). Spring 2023.
Special insert dedicated to industrial designer Douglas Kelley (editor), Soanyway Issue 14, Spring 2023.
"Bach's Chaconne: A Study for Violin and Voice", Posthumanist Issue 2, March 2023 [Print] launched with reading and live violin by Robert Bates at Austrian Cultural Forum, London, 20th March 2023.
"Andrzej Klimowski and Danusia Schejbal: Theatre of Dreams at POSK" Soanyway Reviews, December 2022.
Introduction with Derek Horton to anniversary edition Issue 13 Soanyway. September, 2022.
Talk on my practice, writing, space and music, for RCA Contemporary Art Summer School as RCA alumna and course graduate ambassador. 1st August 2022.
“‘Judging Sound by its Cover’: Images for Sounds: Artist Covers for Music Records at Villa Lontana.” Soanyway Issue 12. June 2022.
“Unquiet Creatures”. Display in collaboration with John Christopher, Carmen Quigley and Sara Kleib, part of the project BESTIARIO POST/ATOMICO, conceived and curated by Franco Troiani / STUDIO A’87. Palazzo Mauri, Biblioteca Comunale Giosuè Carducci, Spoleto. June - October 2022.
“‘The possibility to roam’: Giovanni Pampiglione and the Atelier di Formia.” Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, 8th World Congress on Polish Studies: ‘Borderlands’, Białystok, Poland, 10-12 June 2022.
Fabian Peake at Chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Spoleto, Italy. (Curator and text). 3 June 2022 - 3 September 2022.
“Living Shadows: Sacrari d'Ignoti Figli di Quercia by Franco Troiani.” Exhibition text. English and Italian. April 2022 [Print]
“Rachel Kneebone: 399 Days at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield.” Corridor8. April 2022
“The Gap Between the Cymbals.” Review of Chasing Homer by László Krasznahorkai, trans. John Batki. Review 31. March 2022
Text on Sophie Bouvier Ausländer. Soanyway Issue 11. January 2022
The Silent Violinist in The Record Press, Issue 3. January 2022 [Print]
“A piece of Swedenborg’s poplar tree bark” The Swedenborg Review 0.03, October 2021 [Print]
“Re-opening the National Theatre of Kosovo: a conversation on David Gothard’s Hamlet” The Fortnightly Review, October 2021
Text on Kolxoz collective. Soanyway Issue 10. September 2021
“In conversation with Luka Savić: philosophy, writing and the exhibition” with Jaka Gerčar, Issue 10: Ten Conversations, Soanyway, September 2021
The Silent Violinist, Matador, Troubador Publishing, August 2021 [Print]
“Walker and Walker: Threshold” (curator) and Exhibition essay, at the Madonna del Pozzo, Spoleto, July 2021
Contribution to IN/POSSIBILE AMORE SPOLETO IN COVID mostra di parole e immagini su cartoncin. Biblioteca "G. Carducci" di Palazzo Mauri. Project by Studio _A’87. Dal 28 giugno al 30 agosto 2021
Extracts from “Give me your hand: Seduction and Absorption through the Surface of the Text.” Royal College of Art Writing MA Symposium, 28 June 2021
RCA2021 26 June - 3 July 2021
“As a Stage” on the painting of Zoe Zenghelis, catalogue essay in Do you Remember how Perfect Everything Was? Edited by Hamed Khosravi. AA Publications, London, June 2021 [Print]
Soundscape with Taylor Davies-King and Daryl Notridge (from the collective Motus Anima) for under the moonlight, 2021, by Davies-King exhibited in PROXY, Cromwell Place, London, June 2021
“Diagram Research Group at Flat Time House, London” and introduction to Issue 9 ‘Movement—Spacetime’, Soanyway, June 2021
“Between Music and Painting” an interview with Peter Forrester, Early Music Special Insert guest-edited by Helen Herbert, Soanyway, June 2021
“ARK Archives”, presentation and discussion with Emily LaBarge, ARC 2021 Launch, 11 June 2021
“Dialogue of two Moons in Exile”, Essay on Jeff Gibbons in Painting Meaning, or how to look at a painting, with an essay by Joanne Laws, NERO magazine, May 2021
“Communte”, text for a collaboration with Bolim Jeon on London Piccadily Line, April 2021
“Rain Rhythm”, The Pluralist, April 2021
Interview by Rahma Kodiyil, translated by Sahla Thasneem Panakkattil, Ezhuthola magazine, Kerala, December 2020 [Malayalam] [Print]
“Rehearsal, Reversal and Carnival”, Essay on Eddie Peake, Circa, December 2020
Interview with Giovanni Pampiglione, translated by Izabela Curyłło-Klag, Witkacy! journal, December 2020 [Polish] [Print]
“A Piece of Swedenborg’s Poplar Tree Bark”, group exhibition essay, Swedenborg House, October 2020 [Print]
“Flow of Quotation”, Essay on Ai Weiwei, Circa, October 2020
“Monologue of a Violin”, writing and podcast conversation with James Waddell, Still Point Journal, October 2020
Interview with Alen Ožbolt with Derek Horton, Soanyway, September 2020
“Fabian Peake: Staring at the Silence” (curator), and Exhibition Essay, Spoleto, September 2020 [English and Italian]
“Arc/Ark’s Archives”, Montez Press, Radio Broadcast, August 2020
“In this Mirror: Poetic Space and the Poet’s Body in Witkacy, Jean Cocteau and Guillaume Apollinaire”, Paper, Witkacy2020 international conference, PIASA, Chicago, June 2020 [postponed]
ARC Magazine (Editor), The DIRTY ISSUE, ongoing publication, June-August 2020
“Orphée’s Mirrors: Notes from Review of Philip Glass’s Orphée performed at the London Coliseum (15-29 November 2019)”, BETWEENtheLINES magazine, translated by Eko Binyao Liu, June 2020 [Chinese and English] [Print and Online]
“Mattia Pajè: Un giorno tutto questo sarà tuo”, Review, Soanyway, June 2020
“Sleep, Prison Space and the Broken Pencil in Witkacy’s The Madman and the Nun”,Witkacy! journal, June 2020 [Print]
“‘From the Italian Land to Poland’ and Back: A Conversation with Giovanni Pampiglione, The Theatre Times, May 2020
“A Response to Thomas Hutton at Studioli Roma”, The Pluralist, April 2020
“Ce lac dur oublié: Holes, Hollows and the Negation of Space in Stéphane Mallarmé‘s Poésies”, French Literary Review Issue 33, April 2020 [Print]
“Betts Project, 100 Central Street”, Soanyway, January 2020
Reading and Discussion with Joe Walker and Jo Melvin, The Docks, Leitrim, January 2020
“Dust to Dust: A Response to Jacopo Rinaldi”, The Pluralist, London, December 2019 [Print]
Poems, Slope Magazine, November 2019 [Print]
“Dialogue of Two Moons in Exile: A Response to Jeff Gibbons”, Exhibition Essay, The Docks, Leitrim, November 2019 [Print]
“Filippo Marzocchi: Crouch, Bind, Set”, Review, Soanyway, September 2019
“William Mackrell: Lipsync Series”, Review, Soanyway, June 2019
Spoleto Special Insert, Soanyway, January 2019 [Print 2020]
“In Silence: a response after Tom Edmonds”, Soanyway, September 2018
“Anthony McCall: Solid Light Works”, Review, Corridor 8, March 2018
“Barry Flanagan: Light Pieces and other works”, Review, Corridor 8, June 2017
A Literary Evening, Norwich, March 2016
The Phaistos Disk, Ankrapath Press, London, 2012 and 2014 [Print]